Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear Auntie Vera

This is for you, I hope that they keep Chord topless in gold for the entire episode C:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Its True


Friday, September 17, 2010

Will you fill the hole?

That Alex Pettyfer left? I'm not sure if Alex Annand will but his skin looks so deliciously sunburned I just wanna touch it to make sure it isn't. He says that he just started modeling but it looks like he's doing alright to me.

These are reposted from Vera's blog so if you like them go check it out. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thinking about "big" words

Is actually the title of a section in my english workbook not even kidding

You probably can't tell what I've written because of my awful illegible writing and the added fun of it being mirrored but I'm too lazy/angry to fix it

Some of the words are as follows
Ablutions: ritual bathing
Bellicose: hostile
Defenestration: the act of throwing someone out a window
Peregrinations: a journey

I could totally defenestrate someone right now since it looks like I might not be in university for the second semester, thank-you-very-much so called trust fund

Monday, August 30, 2010

More 2011

Hunger Games I love this trilogy so much I reeeeeeally hope that the rumours of a film adaptations of the book are false because I just wouldn't be able to stand if they did a crap job. However I have heard that Lionsgate will be producing the film so hopefully it won't......suck so bad.
The thing thats really been irking me though is many people for some reason are comparing it to Twilight and saying that it's the next Twi-shit bleah I hate even typing it. Comparing Hunger Games to Twilight is like comparing a giraffe to a lion, the only thing they have in common is Africa.

But so yeah its a good Trilogy I highly recommend it, if you would like to read more here's the official website.
Hunger Games Official Website

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Is something that I'm not very good at, especially with all these movies coming out in dun dun dun 2012!!
Well at least some good movies are coming out in 2011 liiiike Perks of Being a Wallflower C: That book was quite enjoyable, if not for its interesting happening then at least for its nice streamlined way of writing/narration. However I have this nagging feeling that production will be pushed back because according to imdb most of the cast has not yet been released except for the main character Charlie who will be allegedly played by Logan Lerman. I say allegedly because I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them smushed  >A<

In memory of Spidey Logan *Sniffle*

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'd love

to know who the gorgeous creature at 2:14 is but alas I fear I will never know

Dead Like Me Pilot

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Whatever Happened To....

Adam Brody? His geeky hotness as Seth Cohen stole my heart and is the only reason I went through hell to watch all of the OC, well that and I got to watch it with a very fit boy c;

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Childhood Crushes

Even as a child I was a nerd as shown by my nerdy first crushes

I actually had a crush on both Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward) at the same time le gasp!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just one of a few

that I find too gorgeous
Danish male model Mathias Lauridsen makes my heart go doki-doki

Monday, August 9, 2010

So many pictures to upload from the animethon but I have no time, after coming home last night I went straight to bed woke up to go to work at 830 (keep in mind I have about a 45min drive to work) only to find out I was supposed to be there at 8 and finally got home at 1030 geh

But I do have some treats

The Emma Watson ones are more for personal interest because I used to be compared to her a lot, and I do mean a lot, I can't help but feel like she's trying to impersonate Twiggy a little too much but Que Sera

Ok so there's this person who cosplays Domo every year and I found out this year that not only is it a guy but a super cute guy, unfortunately he plays Yu Gi Oh still, but hey perfection is hard right?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ze Banana Box Buggies

Ok so when I first started and was unpacking a box of bananas I for some reason remembered all those crazy rumours of BANANA BOX SPIDERS!!! Aka Tarantulas and freaked myself out. But I am a big girl and get over my crazy thoughts
Buuuuuut then the other day while I was cheerfully unpacking ok thats a lie I was hella tired bananas I felt buggy legs brush up against my fingers (I almost cried out in terror) and ran to the back with the cart that I had to inspect a little closer. Only to find one of the hugest bugs I have ever seen outside of a museum, it was damn ugly too. So I tried to find one of the managers to no avail and through sheer desperation asked the guy in the grocery dept. to come get rid of it but of course because of my luck he was afraid of bugs, so I had to ask the pop guy who I have never before seen in my life to come take care of it only to have him laugh in my face. Until he saw the buggy then he was not laughing so hard (I had to evilly laugh to myself at this) after he got rid of the buggy I went back to stocking bananas, well after psyched myself up to do so. Only to find more little buggies only these were actually small so it wasn't that bad I just set them aside. I found out though the next day that all buggies in this tale of horror were cockroachs from Ecuador!!! I have dealt with these foul buggies before (at das vaterpark) but never to this size.
It looked like this

and was
thiiiis big
Needless to say I will not be eating bananas in the near future

Ps I will be copy pasta-ing everything from my journal on roosterteeth so that there is actual content on here
And thank-you Vera for the comments they have gotten me out of the slump that lasted way too long