Sunday, September 26, 2010

Its True


Friday, September 17, 2010

Will you fill the hole?

That Alex Pettyfer left? I'm not sure if Alex Annand will but his skin looks so deliciously sunburned I just wanna touch it to make sure it isn't. He says that he just started modeling but it looks like he's doing alright to me.

These are reposted from Vera's blog so if you like them go check it out. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thinking about "big" words

Is actually the title of a section in my english workbook not even kidding

You probably can't tell what I've written because of my awful illegible writing and the added fun of it being mirrored but I'm too lazy/angry to fix it

Some of the words are as follows
Ablutions: ritual bathing
Bellicose: hostile
Defenestration: the act of throwing someone out a window
Peregrinations: a journey

I could totally defenestrate someone right now since it looks like I might not be in university for the second semester, thank-you-very-much so called trust fund